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Язык контента

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Business management, Industrial management, Knowledge management
Administration, Enterprises, Managers, Organizations, Project management
Politics, law and economics > Organization and management
ادارة (ar), Gestión (es), Управление (ru), Gestion (fr)
Management audit
Management operations
Management control
Politics, law and economics > Organization and management
مراجعة ادارية (ar), رقابة ادارية (ar), Auditoría de gestión (es), Control de gestión (es), Управленческий аудит (ru), Управленческий контроль (ru), Vérification de la gestion (fr)
Management by objectives
Management techniques
Goal setting
Politics, law and economics > Organization and management
ادارة بالاهداف (ar), ادارة بحسب الاهداف (ar), وضع الاهداف (ar), تحديد الاهداف (ar), ادارة استهدافية (ar), Dirección a través de objetivos (es), Fijación de objetivos (es), Definición de objetivos (es), Управление посредством постановки задач (ru), Постановка целей (ru), Direction par objectifs (fr), Détermination des objectifs (fr), Établissement des objectifs (fr), Fixation des objectifs (fr)
Management education
Vocational education
Commercial education, Managers
Business education
Education > Technical and vocational study subjects
تعليم الادارة (ar), تعليم تجارى (ar), تعليم ادارة الاعمال (ar), Formación de administradores (es), Formación en gestión (es), Образование в области управления (ru), Образование в области бизнеса (ru), Formation des gestionnaires (fr), Formation à la gestion (fr)
Management information systems
Information systems
Knowledge management
Information and communication > Documentary information systems
نظم المعلومات الادارية (ar), Sistema de información de gestión (es), Информационные системы в области управления (ru), ИСУ - информационные системы в области управления (ru), Système d'information de gestion (fr)
Management operations
Decision making, Delegation of authority, Management audit, Organizational change, Planning, Policy making, Problem solving, Programme planning, Quality circles, Rationalization, Risk management
Administration, Group discussions, Management techniques
Management theory
Politics, law and economics > Organization and management
عمليات الادارة (ar), نظرية الادارة (ar), Operación administrativa (es), Teoría de la gestión (es), Управленческие операции (ru), Теория управления (менеджмента) (ru), Opération de gestion (fr), Théorie de la gestion (fr)
Management techniques
Linear programming, Management by objectives, Network analysis, Operations research, Organization and methods
Forecasting, Management operations, Resource allocation, Scientific methods, Systems design
Politics, law and economics > Organization and management
اساليب الادارة (ar), وسائل فنية للادارة (ar), تقنيات الادارة (ar), Técnica administrativa (es), Técnica de gestión (es), Приемы управления (ru), Technique de gestion (fr)