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Cultural anthropology
Anthropologists, Anthropology, Archaeological sociology, Customs and traditions, Ethnic groups, Ethnolinguistics, Ethnology, Ethnopsychology, Folklore, Human geography, Sociology, Traditional cultures, Traditional medicine
Cultural and social anthropology
Culture > Culture
انثروبولوجيا ثقافية (ar), انثروبولوجيا ثقافية واجتماعية (ar), علم الانسان الثقافي والاجتماعي (ar), Antropología cultural (es), Antropología sociocultural (es), Antropología social y cultural (es), Культурная антропология (ru), Культурная и социальная антропология (ru), Anthropologie culturelle (fr), Anthropologie socioculturelle (fr), Anthropologie culturelle et sociale (fr)