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NGOs → Nongovernmental organizations
International organizations
Associations, Civil society, Intergovernmental organizations, International cooperation, International voluntary services, Stakeholders, Volunteers
NGOs, Voluntary organizations
Politics, law and economics > International relations
منظمات غير حكومية (ar), منظمات خيرية (ar), منظمات تطوعية (ar), منظمات طوعية (ar), Organización no gubernamental (es), Organismo benévolo (es), Organización benévola (es), Organismo no gubernamental (es), ONG (es), Неправительственные организации (ru), НПО - неправительственные организации (ru), Добровольческие организации (ru), Organisation non gouvernementale (fr), Organisme non gouvernemental (fr), Organisation bénévole (fr), Organisme bénévole (fr), ONG (fr)