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Interpersonal communication (en)
اتصال بين الاشخاص (ar), اتصال خاص (ar), اتصال فردي (ar), تواصل انساني (ar), اتصال انساني (ar), Comunicación interpersonal (es), Comunicación individual (es), Comunicación humana (es), Межличностная коммуникация (ru), Человеческая коммуникация (общение) (ru), Индивидуальная коммуникация (ru), Communication interpersonnelle (fr), Communication humaine (fr), Communication individuelle (fr)

Communication process

Communication psychology, Correspondence, Fax, Feedback (communication), Group communication, Interactive communication, Intercultural dialogue, Interpersonal relations, Listening, Postal services, Speech, Telephone, Telex

Human communication,
Individual communication

Information and communication
> Communication research and policy
