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Knowledge (en)
معرفة (ar), Conocimiento (es), Saber (es), Знания (ru), Connaissance (fr), Savoir (fr)
Sociology of knowledge, Structure of knowledge, Traditional knowledge
Information, Know-how transfer, Science of science
> Philosophy and ethics
Knowledge based systems (en) → Expert systems (en)
نظم خبيرة (ar), نظم الخبرة (ar), نظم قائمة على المعرفة (ar), Sistema experto (es), Sistema basado en el conocimiento (es), Экспертные системы (ru), Системы, основанные на знаниях (ru), Système expert (fr), Système fondé sur le savoir (fr)
Artificial intelligence
Computer programming, Knowledge management
Knowledge based systems
Information and communication
> Information technology (software)
Knowledge management (en)
ادارة المعرفة (ar), ادارة المعارف (ar), Gestión del conocimiento (es), Gestión del saber (es), Управление знаниями (ru), Gestion des connaissances (fr), Gestion du savoir (fr)
Expert systems, Information processing, Information society, Information technology, Know-how transfer, Management information systems
Politics, law and economics
> Organization and management
Knowledge society (en) → Information society (en)
مجتمع المعلومات (ar), مجتمع المعرفة (ar), ثورة المعلومات (ar), مجتمع التعلم (ar), عصر المعلومات (ar), Sociedad de la información (es), Revolución de la información (es), Sociedad del conocimiento (es), Era de la información (es), Sociedad del saber (es), Era electrónica (es), Информационное общество (ru), Общество, основанное на знаниях (ru), Общество знаний (ru), Информационный век (ru), Информационная революция (ru), Société de l'information (fr), Ère de l'information (fr), Age de l'information (fr), Ère électronique (fr), Société de la connaissance (fr), Révolution de l'information (fr), Société du savoir (fr)
Social systems
Developed countries, Information industry, Information literacy, Information users, Knowledge management, Postindustrial societies
Information age,
Information revolution,
Knowledge society,
Learning society
Social and human sciences
> Social systems