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Polyvalent adult education (en) → Adult education (en)
Educational systems
Parent education, Workers education
Adult educators, Adult literacy, Adult students, Community education, Correctional education, Further training, Higher education, Informal learning, Leisure and education, Lifelong learning, Out of school education, Part time education, Rural education, Self help, University extension, Womens education
Polyvalent adult education
Education > Educational systems and levels
تعليم الكبار (ar), تعليم الكبار متعدد التكافؤ (ar), Educación de adultos (es), Formación dirigida a adultos (es), Educación adulta (es), Образование для взрослого населения (ru), Поливалентное образование для взрослого населения (ru), Éducation des adultes (fr), Formation des adultes (fr), Education polyvalente des adultes (fr)