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3.40Literature (en)
ادب (ar), الأدب (ar), Literatura (es), Литература (ru), Littérature (fr)
Группа концепций
Literature (en)
Literary analysis, Literary criticism, Literary history, Literary prizes, Literary style, Representative literary works
Anthologies, Arts, Creative writing, Fiction, Linguistics, Literary forms and genres, Literary property, National literatures, Writers, Writing
> Literature
ادب (ar), Literatura (es), Литература (ru), Littérature (fr)
Literature education (en)
Humanities education
Language instruction
> Basic and general study subjects
تعليم الادب (ar), تدريس الادب (ar), Enseñanza de la literatura (es), Литературное образование (ru), Enseignement de la littérature (fr)
Literature guides (en) → Guides to information sources (en)
Guides, Information sources
Guides to literature sources,
Literature guides
Information and communication
> Information sources
ادلة مصادر المعلومات (ar), ادلة المصادر (ar), مصادر الادبيات (ar), ادلة الانتاج الفكري (ar), ادلة الادبيات (ar), Guía de fuentes de información (es), Guía literaria (es), Guía de fuentes literarias (es), Указатели по источникам информации (ru), Литературные указатели (ru), Указатели по литературным источникам (ru), Guide aux sources d'information (fr), Guide littéraire (fr), Guide des sources littéraires (fr), Guide des sources d'information (fr)
Literature reviews (en)
Secondary documents
State of the art reviews
Information and communication
> Information sources
مراجعات الادبيات (ar), مراجعات حالة الفن (ar), Estudio bibliográfico (es), Обзоры литературы (ru), Обзоры фактического состояния объекта изучения (ru), Étude bibliographique (fr), Étude sur l'état actuel des connaissances (fr)
Literature searches (en) → Information retrieval (en)
Online searching
Bibliography compilation, Databases, Indexing languages, Information/library networks, Information processing, Information systems evaluation, Information systems, Reference services
Bibliographic searches,
Literature searches,
Retrospective searches
Information and communication
> Documentary information processing
استرجاع المعلومات (ar), بحوث راجعة (ar), بحوث الانتاج الفكري (ar), بحوث ببليوجرافية (ar), Recuperación de información (es), Búsqueda bibliográfica (es), Búsqueda documental (es), Búsqueda retrospectiva (es), Búsqueda específica (es), Поиск информации (ru), Поиски литературы (ru), Библиографические поиски (ru), Ретроспективные поиски (ru), Récupération de l'information (fr), Recherche spécifique (fr), Recherche rétrospective (fr), Recherche bibliographique (fr), Recherche documentaire (fr)