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1 resultados para 'calculating machines'

Calculating machines → Computers
Analogue computers, Computer peripheral equipment, Computer storage devices, Computer terminals, Digital computers, Microcomputers, Minicomputers
Artificial intelligence, Computer applications, Computer networks, Computer programming, Computer science, Computer software, Data processing, Electronic engineering, Electronics industry, Human machine interaction, Microprocessors, Online information systems, Robotics, Telematics
Information and communication > Information technology (hardware)
Ordenador (es), Máquina calculadora (es), Material informático (es), Computadora (es), Calculadora (es), Ordinateur (fr), Calculatrice (fr), Machine à calculer (fr), Matériel informatique (fr), Компьютеры (ru), Компьютерное оборудование (ru), Счетно-вычислительные машины (ru), حواسيب (ar), مكونات مادية للحواسب (ar), كمبيوتر (ar), الات حاسبة (ar), عتاد الحاسب (ar), حواسب (ar), حاسبات (ar)