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1 results for 'learning methods'

Learning methods
Activity learning, Blended learning, Distance education, Home study, Independent study, Practical work (learning method), Self instruction, Study tours, Verbal learning, Visual learning
Learning packages, Study abroad, Teaching methods
Learning techniques, Study methods, Study skills
Education > Teaching and training
اساليب التعلم (ar), طرق الدراسة (ar), مهارات الدراسة (ar), تقنيات التعلم (ar), طرق التعلم (ar), Méthode d'apprentissage (fr), Technique d'étude (fr), Méthode d'étude (fr), Technique d'apprentissage (fr), Учебные методы (ru), Учебные навыки (ru), Учебные приемы (ru), Методы изучения (ru), Método de aprendizaje (es), Técnica de estudio (es), Técnica de aprendizaje (es), Método de estudio (es)