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3 results for 'self instruction'

Self instruction (en)
Learning methods
Programmed instruction
Independent study, Learning packages, Teaching machines
Self teaching methods
Education > Teaching and training
تعليم ذاتي (ar), اساليب التعليم الذاتي (ar), Autoenseignement (fr), Autodidactie (fr), Autoapprentissage (fr), Autoéducation (fr), Autodidaxie (fr), Auto-éducation (fr), Auto-apprentissage (fr), Самообучение (ru), Методы самообучения (ru), Autoaprendizaje (es), Método de autoaprendizaje (es), Autodidacta (es), Autoeducación (es), Autodidactismo (es)
Self instructional aids (en) → Teaching machines (en)
Educational equipment
Audiovisual aids, Computer assisted instruction, Educational software, Language laboratories, Programmed instruction, Self instruction
Self instructional aids
Education > Educational facilities
الات التدريس (ar), وسائل التعليم الذاتي (ar), Machine à enseigner (fr), Outil d'autoformation (fr), Dispositif d'autoformation (fr), Обучающая техника (ru), Вспомогательные средства для самообучения (ru), Máquina de aprendizaje (es), Herramienta de autoformación (es), Máquina de enseñanza (es)
Self instructional packages (en) → Learning packages (en)
Teaching materials
Educational technology, Independent study, Learning methods, Modular instruction, Programmed instruction, Self instruction, Teaching guides
Learning kits, Self instructional packages
Education > Educational facilities
مجموعات المواد التعلمية (ar), مجموعات مواد التعلم (ar), مجموعات تعليم النفس (ar), Module d'enseignement individualisé (fr), Mallette pédagogique (fr), Module d'auto-apprentissage (fr), Trousse pédagogique (fr), Valise pédagogique (fr), Учебные комплекты (ru), Учебные наборы (ru), Комплекты для самообучения (ru), Módulo de autoaprendizaje (es), Material de autoaprendizaje (es)