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1 نتائج 'folk medicine'

Folk medicine (en) → Traditional medicine (en)
Systems of medicine
Cultural anthropology, Folklore, Medicinal plants, Traditional cultures, Traditional knowledge, Traditional technology
Ethnomedicine, Folk medicine
Science > Medical sciences
Medicina tradicional (es), Remedios caseros (es), Medicina casera (es), Etnomedicina (es), Medicina popular (es), Традиционная медицина (ru), Этномедицина (ru), Народная медицина (ru), طب تقليدي (ar), طب عرقي (ar), طب شعبي (ar), طب بلدي (ar), Médecine traditionnelle (fr), Médecine folklorique (fr), Remède de bonne femme (fr), Ethnomédecine (fr), Médecine populaire (fr)