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1 نتائج 'genetic psychology'

Genetic psychology (en) → Developmental psychology (en)
Emotional development, Mental development, Moral development, Personality development
Adolescent psychology, Adult learning, Child psychology, Educational psychology, Learning, Learning processes, Motor development, Physiological development, Psychology
Genetic psychology, Individual development
Social and human sciences > Psychology
Psicología del desarrollo (es), Psicología genética (es), Desarrollo individual (es), Эволюционная психология (ru), Генетическая психология (ru), Индивидуальное развитие (ru), علم نفس النمو (ar), علم النفس الوراثي (ar), علم نفس الوراثة (ar), نمو فردي (ar), علم النفس التنموي (ar), تنمية الفرد (ar), Psychologie du développement (fr), Développement individuel (fr), Psychologie génétique (fr), Psychologie développementale (fr)